
[Journals] [Conferences] [Monographs] [Abstracts] [Demos] [Reports]

Monographs – Books / Chapters – Special Themes

7. Biosensors and Internet of Things in smart healthcare applications: challenges and opportunities. Pateraki M., Fysarakis K., Sakkalis V., Spanoudakis G., Varlamis I., Maniadakis M., Lourakis M., Ioannidis S., Cummins N., Schuller B., Loutsetis E. and Koutsouris D., 2019. In N. Dey et al. (eds) Wearable and Implantable Medical Devices, Series: Advances in ubiquitous sensing applications for healthcare, Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128153697[doi]

6. Human-Robot Interaction Ivaldi S. and Pateraki M. (Eds.), ERCIM News, Number 114, July 2018 [pdf]

5. Mixed Reality Gamified Presence and Storytelling for Virtual Museums. Papagiannakis G., Geronikolakis E., Pateraki M., López–Menchero V.M., Tsioumas M., Sylaiou S., Liarokapis F., Grammatikopoulou A., Dimitropoulos K., Grammalidis N., Partarakis N., Margetis G., Drossis G., Vassiliadi M., Chalmers A., Stephanidis C., Magnenat-Thalmann N., 2018. In Lee N. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games, Springer International Publishing. [doi]

4. Deployment of Robotic Guides in Museum Contexts. Pateraki M., Trahanias P., 2016. In Ioannides,
M., Magnenat-Thalmann, N., Papagiannakis, G. (Eds.), “Mixed Reality and Gamification for Cultural Heritage”, Springer-Verlag .

3. Recording, Modeling and Visualization of Cultural Heritage. Baltsavias E. P., Gruen A., Van Gool L., Pateraki, M. (Eds.), 2006. ISBN 0 415 39208 X, Taylor & Francis, Balkema: London. [bib]

2. Adaptive multi-Image Matching algorithm for DSM generation from airborne linear array CCD data. Pateraki M., 2005. Ph.D. Thesis, Diss. ETH Zurich, Nr. 15915, Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Mitteilung No. 86. [pdf] [bib] [doi]

1. Studies on Automatic Digital Terrain Model generation using the Match-T algorithm. Pateraki M., 1999. Diploma Thesis, Faculty of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.


15. Edge-driven Docker registry: facilitating XR application deployment. Makris A., Psomakelis E., Korontanis I., Theodoropoulos T., Kontopoulos I., Pateraki M., Diou C., Tserpes K., 2024. Computing 106, 3479–3501. [doi]

14. A lightweight storage framework for edge computing infrastructures/EdgePersist. Psomakelis E., Makris A., Tserpes K., Pateraki M., 2023.  Software Impacts, Volume 17, ISSN 2665-9638. [doi]

13. 6D Object Localization in Car-Assembly Industrial Environment. Papadaki A., Pateraki M., 2023. Journal of Imaging (Vol. 9, Issue 3, p. 72). MDPI AG. [doi

12. MAGES 4.0: Accelerating the World’s Transition to VR Training and Democratizing the Authoring of the Medical Metaverse. Zikas P., Protopsaltis A., Lydatakis N., Kentros M., Geronikolakis S., Kateros S., Kamarianakis M., Evangelou G., Filippidis A., Grigoriou E., Angelis D., Tamiolakis M., Dodis M., Kokiadis G., Petropoulos J., Pateraki M., Papagiannakis G., 2023.  IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 43-56 [doi

11. XR-RF Imaging Enabled by Software-Defined Metasurfaces and Machine Learning: Foundational Vision, Technologies and Challenges. Liaskos C., Tsioliaridou A., Georgopoulos K., Morianos I., Ioannidis S., Salem I., Manessis D., Schmid S., Tyrovolas D., Tegos S., Mekikis P., Diamantoulakis P., Pitilakis A., Kantartzis N., Karagiannidis G., Tasolamprou A., Tsilipakos O., Kafesaki M., Akyildiz I., Pitsillides A., Pateraki M., Vakalellis M., Spais I., 2022.  IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 119841-119862, [doi

10. Detection of Physical Strain and Fatigue in Industrial Environments Using Visual and Non-Visual Low-Cost Sensors. Papoutsakis K., Papadopoulos G., Maniadakis M., Papadopoulos T., Lourakis M., Pateraki M., Varlamis I., 2022.  Technologies 2022, 10(2):42. Open Access Editor’s Choice Article. [doi]

9. Outer Product-Based Fusion of Smartwatch Sensor Data for Human Activity Recognition. Mallol-Ragolta A., Semertzidou A., Pateraki M., Schuller B. 2022.  Frontiers in Computer Science, Vol. 4.The paper received the Outstanding Article award 2022. [doi

8. Strand: scalable trilateration with Node.js. Tserpes K., Pateraki M., Varlamis I., 2019. Journal of Cloud Computing [doi

7. Full-body Pose Tracking – the Top View Reprojection Approach. Sigalas M., Pateraki M., Trahanias P., 2016. IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. [doi]

6. Visual tracking in dynamic scenes. Pateraki M., Trahanias P., 2015. South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics, Vol. 4 (2S): 33-76. [pdf]

5. Visual estimation of pointed targets for robot guidance via fusion of face pose and hand orientation. Pateraki M., Baltzakis H., Trahanias P., 2014. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. [doi] [bib]

4. Visual tracking of hands, faces and facial features of multiple persons. Baltzakis H., Pateraki M., Trahanias P., 2012. Machine Vision and Applications. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

3. Das Potenzial von Ikonos- und Quickbird-Bildern fuer die genaue 3D-Punktbestimmung, Orthophoto und DSM-Generierung. Eisenbeiss H., Baltsavias E., Pateraki M., Zhang L., Gut O., Heller O., 2004. Geomatik Schweiz, (9), pp. 556-562. [pdf] [bib]

2. Orthophoto Generation Using Ikonos Imagery and High Resolution DEM: Study Case on Volcanic Hazard Monitoring of Nisyros Island (Greece). Vassilopoulou S., Hurni L., Dietrich V., Baltsavias E., Pateraki M., Lagios E., Parcharidis I., 2002. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 57(1-2), pp. 24-38. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

1. Digital surface modelling by airborne laser scanning and digital photogrammetry for glacier monitoring. Baltsavias E.P., Favey E., Bauder A., Boesch H., Pateraki M., 2001. Invited paper at Annual General Meeting of the Photogrammetric Society, UK. In: Photogrammetric Record, 17(98): 243-273. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

Peer-reviewed Conferences

51. Exploitation of open source datasets and Deep Learning Models for the Detection of objects in Urban Areas. Gkouvra E., Betsas T., Pateraki M., 2024.  IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) Workshop on 3D Computer Vision and Photogrammetry, 28 October 2024, Abu Dhabi, UAE [doi]

50. A vision-based framework for human behavior understanding in industrial assembly lines. Papoutsakis K., Bakalos N., Fragkoulis K., Zacharia A., Kapetadimitri G., Pateraki M., 2024. In Proc. of the IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops, 29 September 2024 (to appear in proceedings). [arxiv

49. Dynamic Adaptability in Human-Robot Collaboration for Industrial Assembly: A Behaviour Tree Based Task Execution. Akkaladevi S.C., Propst M., Deshpande K., Hofmann M., Pichler A., Sapoutzoglou P., Pateraki M., 2024. In Proc. of the FAIM 2024 Conference, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer [doi]

48. SymbioticHuman-Robot Collaboration: The FELICE Approach in Smart Assembly Lines. Kalogeras D., Pateraki M., Akkaladevi S.C., Stanzcyk B.,2024.  In Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics (SPAR). [doi]

47. 3D Edge Detection based on Normal Vectors. Makka A., Pateraki M., Betsas T., Georgopoulos A., 2024. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-2/W4-2024, 295–300.  Best Paper Award. [doi]

46. Streamlining XR Application Deployment with a Localized Docker Registry at the Edge. Makris A., Psomakelis E., Korontanis I., Theodoropoulos T., Protopsaltis A., Pateraki M., Ledwoń Z., Diou C., Anagnostopoulos D., Tserpes K., 2023. In Proc. 10th European Conf. On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023). [doi]

45. Conventional or Automated Photogrammetry for Cultural Heritage documentation? Tapinaki S., Pateraki M., Skamantzari M., Georgopoulos A., 2023. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-M-2-2023, 1535–1542. [doi]

44. Crane Spreader Pose Estimation from a Single View. Pateraki M., Sapoutzoglou P., Lourakis M. In Proc. Intl. Joint Conf. on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 796-805, Lisbon, Portugal. [doi]

43. Relay-based Network Architectures for Collaborative Virtual Reality Applications. Hasnaoui F., Mihoubi L.Z., Pateraki M., Bagaa M., 2022. . GLOBECOM 2022 – 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 6146-6151 [doi

42. The ACM Multimedia 2022 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge: Vocalisations, Stuttering, Activity, & Mosquitoes. Schuller B., Batliner A., Amiriparian S., Christian Bergler, Gerczuk M., Holz N., Larrouy-Maestri P., Bayerl S., Riedhammer K., Mallol-Ragolta A., Pateraki M., Coppock H., Kiskin I., Sinka M., Roberts S., 2022.  In Proc. of the 30th ACM Intl. Conf. on Multimedia (MM ’22). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7120–7124. [doi

41. sustAGE 1.0 – First Prototype, Use Cases, and Usability Evaluation. Mallol- Ragolta A.,Varlamis I.,Pateraki M.,Lourakis M., Athanassiou G., Maniadakis M., Papoutsakis K., Papadopoulos T,, Semertzidou A., Cummins N., Schuller B., Karolos I.-A., Pikridas C., Patias P., Vantolas S., Kallipolitis L., Werner F., Ascolese A., Nitti V., 2022. . In Proc. 7th Int. Conf on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies: Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications (IHIET-AI 2022). Springer, Lausanne. 

40. Automatic assessment of posture deviations in assembly tasks. Papoutsakis K., Lourakis M., Pateraki M., 2022.  In: Isabel L. Nunes (eds) Human Factors and Systems Interaction. AHFE (2022) International Conference, USA. [doi

39. harAGE: A Novel Multimodal Smartwatch-based Dataset for Human Activity Recognition. Mallol-Ragolta A., Semertzidou A., Pateraki M., Schuller B. 2021. . 2021 16th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2021), Jodhpur, India, pp. 01-07, [doi]

39. Computer vision for increasing safety in container handling operations. Lourakis, M., Pateraki M., 2022. In: Isabel L. Nunes (eds) Human Factors and Systems Interaction. AHFE (2022) International Conference, 2022. [doi

37. Cloud for Holography and Augmented Reality. Makris A., Boudi A., Coppola M., Cordeiro L., Corsini M., Dazzi P., Andilla F., González Rozas Y., Kamarianakis M., Pateraki M., Le Pham T., Protopsaltis A., Raman A., Romussi A., Rosa L., Spatafora E., Taleb T., Theodoropoulos T., Tserpes K., Zschau E., Herzog U. 2021. In Proc. 2021 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet)[doi]

36. Markerless Visual Tracking of a Container Crane Spreader. Lourakis M., and Pateraki M. 2021.  In Proc. of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. [pdf]

35. Inter-operability and Orchestration in Heterogeneous Cloud/Edge Resources: The ACCORDION Vision. Korontanis I., Tserpes K., Pateraki M., Blasi L., Violos J., Diego F., Marin E., Kourtellis N., Coppola M., Carlini E., Ledwoń Z., Tarkowski P., Loven T.,  Rozas Y., Kentros M., Dodis M., and Dazzi P. 2021.  In Proc. of the 1st Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge (FRAME ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 9–14. [doi

34. Detection of physical strain and fatigue in industrial environments using visual and non-visual sensors. Papoutsakis K., Papadopoulos T., Maniadakis M., Lourakis M., Pateraki M., Varlamis I., 2021. In PETRA’21 – PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 29 June-2 July, Corfu, Greece. [doi]

33. Pose Estimation of a Moving Camera with Low-cost, multi-GNSS Devices. Lourakis M., Pateraki M., Karolos I.A., Pikridas C., Patias P., 2020. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2-2020, 55–62, [doi] [pdf] [bib]

32. Visual estimation of attentive cues in HRI: The case of torso and head pose. Sigalas M., Pateraki M. and Trahanias P., 2015. In Computer Vision Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 9163, pp. 375-388. Proc. of the 10th Intl. Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS), 6-9 July, Kopenhagen, Denmark. [doi] [bib]

31. Robust Articulated Upper Body Pose Tracking under Severe Occlusions. Sigalas M., Pateraki M. and Trahanias P., 2014. In Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 14-18 September, Chicago, USA. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

30. A framework for 3D object identification and tracking. Chliveros G., Figueiredo R.P., Moreno P., Pateraki M., Bernardino A., Santos-Victor, J. and Trahanias P., 2014. In Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP2014), 5-7 January, Lisbon, Portugal. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

29. Application of dynamic distributional clauses for multi-hypothesis initialization in model-based object tracking. Nitti D., Chliveros G., Pateraki M., De Raedt L., Hourdakis E. and Trahanias P., 2014. In Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP2014), 5-7 January, Lisbon, Portugal. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

28. Comparing task-based and socially intelligent behaviour in a robot bartender. Giuliani M., Petrick R., Foster M.E., Gaschler A., Isard A., Pateraki M., Sigalas M., 2013. In Proc. of the 15th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2013), 9-13 December, Sydney, Australia. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

27. Robust Model-Based 3D Torso Pose Estimation in RGB-D Sequences. Sigalas M., Pateraki M., Oikonomidis I., Trahanias P., 2013. In Proc. of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Dynamic Shape Capture and Analysis, held within Intl. Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 7 December, Sydney, Australia. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

26. Robust multi-hypothesis 3D object pose tracking. Chliveros G., Pateraki M., Trahanias P., 2013. In Proc. of the 9th Intl. Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS), LNCS 7963, pp. 234-243, Springer-Verlag, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 16-18, 2013. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

25. Visual human-robot communication in social settings. Pateraki M., Sigalas M., Chliveros G., Trahanias P., 2013. In Proc. of the Workshop on Semantics, Identification and Control of Robot-Human-Environment Interaction, held within the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 10 May, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013. [pdf] [bib]

24. “Two People Walk Into a Bar”: Dynamic Multi-Party Social Interaction with a Robot Agent. Foster M.E., Gaschler A., Giuliani M., Isard A., Pateraki M., Petrick R., 2012. In Proc. of the 14th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 22-26 October, Santa Monica, CA, USA. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

23. Using Dempster’s rule of combination to robustly estimate pointed targets. Pateraki M., Baltzakis H., Trahanias P., 2012. In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 14-18 May, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

22. Visual estimation of pointed targets for robot guidance via fusion of face pose and hand orientation. Pateraki M., Baltzakis H., Trahanias P., 2011. In Proc. of the 1st IEEE Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Robot Perception, held within the 13th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 6-13 November, Barcelona, Spain. [doi][pdf] [bib]

21. Visual tracking of hands, faces and facial features as a basis for human-robot communication. Pateraki M., Baltzakis H., Trahanias P., 2011. In: Proc. of the Workshop on Visual Tracking and Omnidirectional Vision, held within the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), September, San Francisco, USA. [pdf] [bib]

20. An integrated approach for visual tracking of hands, faces and facial features. Pateraki M., Baltzakis H., Trahanias P., 2011. In: Proc. of the Workshop on Measuring and Understanding Human Movements and Emotions, held within the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May, Shanghai, China. [pdf] [bib]

19. Anatomical Location of the Modiulus Using A Photogrammetric Computer Program: Its Anthropometric Implications. Stoltidou A., Dimitrakopoulos I., Pateraki M., Koebke J., Dionyssopoulos A.J., 2011. The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 19, Supplement A, pp. 49A, Proc.of 16th Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 22-27 May, Vancouver, Canada.

18. Bifid Zygomaticus Major Muscle: A Cadaver Anatomical Study with Photogrammetric Assistance. Stoltidou A., Dimitrakopoulos I., Pateraki M., Koebke J., Dionyssopoulos A.J., 2011. The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 19, Supplement A, pp. 158A,  Proc. of 16th Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 22-27 May, Vancouver, Canada.

17. Tracking of facial features to support human-robot interaction. Pateraki M., Baltzakis H., Kondaxakis P., Thahanias P., 2009. In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 12-17 May, Koebe, Japan. [doi] [pdf] [bib]

16. Photogrammetric documentation and digital representation of the Macedonian Palace in Vergina – Aegae. Patias P., Paliadeli Ch., Georgoula O., Pateraki M., Stamnas A., Kyriakou N., 2007. In: Proc. XXI International CIPA Symposium, IAPRS, Vol. 16-5/C53 Part 3, pp. 562-566, 1-6 October, Athens, Greece. [pdf] [bib]

15. 3D digital photogrammetric reconstructions for scoliosis screening. Patias P., Stylianidis E., Pateraki M., Chrysanthou Y., Contozis C., Zavitsanakis Th., 2006. In: Proc. of the ISPRS Commission V Symposium Image Engineering and Vision Metrology, IAPRS, Vol. 37, Part B5. [pdf] [bib]

14. Photogrammetry vs. Anthroposcopy. Pateraki M., Fragkoulidou V., Stoltidou A., 2006. In: Proc. of the ISPRS Commission V Symposium Image Engineering and Vision Metrology, IAPRS, Vol. 37, Part B5. [pdf] [bib]

13. From point samples to surfaces – on meshing and alternatives. Boehm J., Pateraki M., 2006. In: Proc. of the ISPRS Commission V Symposium Image Engineering and Vision Metrology, IAPRS, Vol. 37, Part B5. [pdf] [bib]

12. Eye Learn – An interactive WEB based e-Learning Enviroment in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Pateraki M., Baltsavias E., 2005. In: Proc. of the ISPRS WG VI/1-VI/2 Workshop “Tools and Techniques for E-Learning”, IAPRS, Vol. 36, Part 6. [pdf] [bib]

11. Potential of Ikonos and Quickbird imagery for accurate 3D point positioning, orthoimage and DSM generation. Eisenbeiss H., Zhang L., Pateraki M., Baltsavias E., 2004. In: Proc. of the ISPRS Congress, IAPRS, Vol. 35, Part B7, pp. 1250-1256, July, Istanbul. [pdf] [bib]

10. Experiences on automatic image matching for ADS40 pushbroom sensor data. Pateraki M., Baltsavias E., Recke U., 2004. In: Proc. of the ISPRS Congress, IAPRS, Vol. 35, Part B2, pp. 402-407, July, Istanbul. [pdf] [bib]

9. Surface discontinuity modelling by LSM through patch adaptation and Use of edges. Pateraki M., Baltsavias E., 2004. In: Proc. of the ISPRS Congress, IAPRS, Vol. 35, Part B3, pp. 522-527, July, Istanbul. [pdf] [bib]

8. Analysis of a DSM generation algorithm for the ADS40 Airborne Pushbroom Sensor. Pateraki M., Baltsavias, E., 2003. In: A. Gruen, H. Kahmen (Eds.), Proc. 6th Conference on Optical 3D Measurement Techniques, Vol. 1, published by IGP, ETHZ, Zurich, pp. 48–54. [pdf] [bib]

7. Analysis and Performance of the Adaptive Multi-image matching Algorithm for Airborne Digital Sensor ADS40. Pateraki M., Baltsavias E., 2003. In: Proc. of ASPRS Annual Conference, 5-9 May, Anchorage, AK, USA. [pdf] [bib]

6. Image combination into large Virtual Images for fast 3D modelling of archaeological sites. Pateraki M., Baltsavias E., Patias P., 2002. In: Proc. of the ISPRS Commission V Symposium, IAPRS, Vol. 34, Part 5, pp. 440-445, 2-6 September, Corfu, Greece. [pdf] [bib]

5. Adaptive Multi-Image matching Algorithm for the Airborne Digital Sensor ADS40. Pateraki M., Baltsavias E., 2002. In: Proc. of Asian Conference on GIS, GPS, Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing ”Mapasia 2002”, 7-9 August, Bangkok, Thailand. [pdf] [bib]

4. Matching of Ikonos Stereo and Multitemporal GEO Images for DSM Generation. Zhang L.,Pateraki M., Baltsavias E., 2002. In: Proc. of Asian Conference on GIS, GPS, Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing “Mapasia 2002”, 7-9 August, Bangkok, Thailand. [pdf] [bib]

3. Radiometric and Geometric Evaluation of IKONOS Geo Images and their use for 3D building modelling. Baltsavias E., Pateraki M., Zhang L., 2001. In: Joint ISPRS Workshop “High Resolution Mapping from Space 2001”, 19-21 September, Hannover, Germany. [pdf] [bib]

2. Radiometric and geometric evaluation of Ikonos images and their use for 3D building modelling. Baltsavias E. P., Pateraki M., Zhang L., 2001. In: Proc. of 3rd International Image Sensing Seminar “New developments in Digital Photogrammetry”, 24-27 September, Gifu, Japan. [pdf (presentation)] [bib]

1. Surface modeling for alpine glacier monitoring by airborne laser scanning and digital photogrammetry. Favey E., Pateraki M., Baltsavias E., Bauder A., Bosch H., 2000. In: Proc. of 19th ISPRS Congress, IAPRS, Vol. 33, Part 4A, pp. 269-277, 16-23 July, Amsterdam. [pdf] [bib]

Technology news articles, conference abstracts

8. Smart Technologies in the workplace: the sustAGE solution. Loutsetis V., Papadopoulos T., Maniadakis M., Varlamis I., Pateraki M., Lourakis M., 2019. In: 12th FORTH Retreat, 15-16 Oct, Patras, Greece.

7. Supporting the Wellness at Work and Productivity of Ageing Employees in Industrial Environments: The sustAGE
Project. Pateraki M., Lourakis M., Kallipolitis L., Werner F., Patias P., Pikridas C., 2019. In: ERCIM Special Issue 119, Smart Things Everywhere. [link]

6. A 3D Modelling and Photorealistic Simulation Pipeline for 3D Heritage Edifices. Pateraki M., Papagiannakis, G. 2018. In: ERCIM News 113, Research and Innovation, April 2018. [link]

5. Visual human-robot interaction within the Indigo project. Pateraki M., Baltzakis H., Trahanias P., 2010. In: 4th International Conference on Cognitive Systems, Zurich, Switzerland, January 2010. [pdf] [bib]

4. Towards natural human-robot interaction. Baltzakis H., Pateraki M., Sigalas M., Argyros A., Trahanias P., 2009. In: 9th FORTH Retreat, 9-10 October, Loutra Kyllinis, Peloponessus, Greece. [pdf] [bib]

3. Double or Bifid Zygomaticus major muscle: A cadaver anatomical study with photogrammetric assistance. Stoltidou A., Dimitrakopoulos I., Pateraki M., Papaconstantinou A.L., Dionyssopoulos A., Antoniou A., Tagkalakis P., Koebke J., 2009. In: 11th Congress European Societies of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 26-27 September, Rhodes, Greece.

2. Triple zygomaticus major muscle: A cadaveric anatomical case report with photogrammetrical assistance. Stoltidou A., Dimitrakopoulos I., Pateraki M., Papaconstantinou A.L., Demiri E., Chantes A., Lazos L., Koebke J., 2009. In: 11th Congress European Societies of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 26-27 September, Rhodes, Greece.

1. Modiolus in correlation to anatomical craniofacial landmarks: A photogrammetric assisted anthroposcopical study. Stoltidou A., Pateraki M., Dionyssopoulos A., Papaconstantinou A.L., Antoniou A., Demiri E., Koebke J., 2009. In: Proc. 11th Congress European Societies of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 26-27 September, Rhodes, Greece.

Demos, Digital media productions

7. Upper body pose estimation and tracking. Sigalas M.. Pateraki M., Trahanias P., 2013. Live
Demo at Intl. Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), December 3-6, Syndey, Australia.

6. Model-based 3D Torso Pose Estimation from RGB-D data. Sigalas M., Pateraki M., Trahanias P., 2013. Live Demo at Computer Vision Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 25-27, Portland, Oregon, USA.

5. Video production “Digital recording and photorealistic visualization of the Byzantine Basilica Panagia Kera, Crete, Greece”. Agisilaou A., Anastasiadis A., Pateraki M., 2006.

4. Interactive presentation of the frescoes of the Byzantine Basilica Panagia Kera, Crete, Greece (on CD-ROM). Georgantas T., Stamatopoulos C., Tsakiroglou A., Pateraki M., 2007.

3. Interactive CD presentation of the EPOCH Showcase Image Based Modeling. Sauerbier M., Grun A., Pateraki M., Roditakis A., 2005.

2. 3D-Animated overflight of Nisyros Island, Greece for Geowarn EU project. Pateraki M., 2002.

1. 3D-Animated overflight over Mount Everest. Pateraki M., 2000.


5. Report for the activities in the EPOCH course: An introduction for Cultural Heritage Technologists to the General Field of Heritage, its Structure and Practice in Europe Today. Pateraki M., Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation, Belgium, March 2005.

4. Report on Showcase 2.4.8 -Image-based modeling. Sauerbier, M., Gruen, A., Pateraki, M., Roditakis A., 2004. In: K. Cain, Y. Chrysanthou, F. Niccolucci, D. Pletinckx, N. Silberman (Eds.), Interdisciplinarity for the Best of both worlds. The grand challenge for Cultural Heritage Informatics in the 21st century. Selected papers from VAST 2004. Available on CD-ROM and at

3. Final report for the Swiss Innovation Promotion Agency (KTI) on the project AIM. Pateraki M., Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETHZ, March 2003.

2. Image Matching Methods. Pateraki M., Internal Report, Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETHZ, June 2000. [pdf]

1. 3D Visualization of Everest. Pateraki M., Internal Report, Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETHZ, June 2000.