Dissertation title: Adaptive multi-image matching for DSM generation from airborne linear array CCD data.

Prof. Dr. Armin Gruen (ETHZ),
Dr. Emmanuel Baltsavias (ETHZ),
Prof. Dr. Clive Fraser (University of Melbourne)

Abstract: The research was motivated by the recent developments in photogrammetric equipment related to sensor technology, which have introduced a new field of research. Airborne digital cameras that employ linear array CCD sensors, exhibit different radiometric and geometric characteristics compared to conventional film based cameras. New methods are required for processing the data from these sensors and generating products for different applications. In addition, with respect to matching, existing algorithms are geared towards frame imagery, plus the degree of automation is limited. In most cases, current commercial systems show poor success rate and require manual interaction for editing the matching results. The study was embedded in the framework of the AIM project (Adaptive Image Matching), in which data from the airborne digital camera (ADS40) of LGGM (Leica Geosystems GIS & Mapping) were used as input. Existing matching algorithms were analyzed, further modified and new ones were developed aiming at integrating information from the special characteristics of the sensor in the matching philosophy. [abstract] [full text]